Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Great Escape

This is what I am planning right now. My great escape, and my next step. I think this is my most frequently asked question at the moment 'what's your next step? Where do you go now?' Well, it's a good question and I have my answers ready to whip out when need be.

Having just had my collection shot by the fabulous InaGlo Photography, I am now waiting for the high res images to get turned into a look book ready to send out to everybody. 'Everybody' covers all of the people I want to dress and want to work for. In the meantime I have super updated my CV, am taking on freelance commissions and working on all of the 'background stuff', and there's talk of a possible exhibition... The website still needs work, and I am trying to give this social media thing all of my gusto.

Amongst all the funny things printed in the Daily Mail, the best possibly has to be how I am 'living at home to stay grounded'. Ha. This is not the case. I would describe myself as a pretty grounded human, but I'm also someone who gets extremely excited and carried away with things. And moving out is a high priority right now. I think I have an addictive personality trait, this drives me forward with impatience to keep working on something on and on and over and over. It's also the reason I have never tried smoking. I am living at home, the same way many of my peers currently are, because living away from home is just too expensive on the minimum wage jobs we have all been able to get.

No don't get me wrong, as well as being 'grounded' and excitable, a personality trait I pride myself on is being grateful. I am so grateful I had a home and family to move back to when I finished university, and I know that I will always have a roof over my head and not go hungry. But right now, all I want is out. There are so many adventures waiting.

I was in London yesterday, I seem to often find myself there, and picked up a Metro. In the back of Metro, is a 'what's on' section. Perfect I thought, I'm going to get my cold calling face on and call all of these theatres. After about the 6th phone call I realised I was just heading to the box office each time, to the same poor woman. I find it hard to get embarrassed, but this was borderline for me.

So why am I sharing these 'struggles' publicly? Because I sincerely hope that it will give someone else the boost they need to keep at it, and to keep cracking on. Often the things worth having never come easily. 

The Daily Mail has also said that I am on the brink of international stardom. I am (I hope). I just don't know how long it will take to reach that tipping point...

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