This was by far the most surreal moment I think I have ever
experienced. They say that you shouldn’t ever meet you ‘idol’, don’t they? Well here
she was offering me a cup of coffee and keen to see all the bits I had brought
with me.
She could’ve been a total diva, killed all love I had had
for her, but she wasn’t. She was the kind of person you want to go to parties
with and only ever wear your clothes again. Not only this, but she was the most
encouraging woman. It feels bizarre to even be sharing this story, as if I cant
believe it really took place. Some of the details will just be little memory
pearls I keep to myself. Privacy is so hard to come by these days. I
hadn’t known the reason she wanted to see my work, or that I would even meet
the lady herself, but it was all unfolding. Nearly a year out of university,
less than a month out of working in a warehouse, and here I was.
She had a photo shoot coming up, and asked if I would let
her take my garments with her, she thought they would be perfect. And they
fitted! She was standing in front of me, wearing my creations and twirling up
and down the staircase to see the way they moved. Of course she could take my
things, the answer was obviously yes. I was over the moon. That feeling you get
when every single part of your being feels totally glowing. How was any experience going to live up to this again?
Then I found out which publication it was for and who would
be shooting it. The question was would they like it? Would they shoot it? And
could this be the catalyst for far bigger things to come…
The magazine comes out incredibly soon, and then my secret
is out and I cannot wait to shout about it from the rooftops ❤
And so......your dreams are becoming a reality. How totally cool. You really deserve it.